Readers Theatre
- Readers theatre at Maladype Base
Taking advantage of the possibilities its space offers, Maladype Theatre launches a new project: a rehearsed reading series. The program will feature select plays by lesser-known contemporary authors, which will be enacted by the actors and guest artists of Maladype with unconventional theatrical means.
The Path of the Intelligentsia to Class Power
Performed by: Kata Huszárik, Ágota Szilágyi, Erika Tankó, Zsigmond Bödők
Directed by: Máté Szabó
"What do have to do with this? - I would say, but instead I’m thinking how I don’t have anything to do with this... Cutting through the bushes of today’s confusion of concepts, I find myself there as a child, getting my questions answered, among people as old as I am now. I ask about concepts, the answer is usually theoretical, idealistic, fairytale-like – not knowing the reality of others, the answer perfectly fits into mine. Myths of the distant past come to life by mythical figures. I can see the beginning of their journey and then their desperate gasps in the emerging concept-chaos, the reappearing constraint of self-definition and the failure. The clowns from Lear, guilty guiltless, exposed culprits, revalued words stripped of their meanings, stuttering orators. A well of vertiginous depth and then it’s the morning, noon, evening, wife, child, lesson, yogurt based on Bulgarian license, birds of March, Tungsram, and sunshine, rain and quarrel.”
Máté Szabó