Support us
Call for Support: “ONE HUNDRED BY A HUNDRED FOR ONE” Maladype Theatre launched its creative sponsorship program titled ONE HUNDRED BY A HUNDRED FOR ONE in 2013. So far nearly 50 domestic and foreign supporters ranging from small and medium-sized enter- prises through larger corporations to, most impor- tantly, private persons have recognized the validity and credibility of Maladype’s philosophy. In recent times, we have established long-term cooperation with our patrons, using their gracious support for the survival and development of our theater. Read more Your 1% contribution means a great deal to Maladype Theatre
By offering 1% of your income tax you can help the theatre's national and international artistic activities and non profit contributions. This will help us to launch the theatre education program series that improves social integration. Corporate tax reduction benefits (TAO)
According to the European Union and national legislations enterprises who sponsor performing art institutes are entitled to corporate tax breaks. The sponsoring companies can not receive monetary or non monetary benefits from the sponsored institute. As opposed to regular sponsorship, the theatre can not provide any sort of compensation or service related to the sponsorship contract. Contact: Katalin Balázs, |