Readers Theatre

- Readers theatre at Maladype Base

Taking advantage of the possibilities its space offers, Maladype Theatre launches a new project: a rehearsed reading series. The program will feature select plays by lesser-known contemporary authors, which will be enacted by the actors and guest artists of Maladype with unconventional theatrical means.

In the Night Time

Reader theatre event with a piano

WOMAN: Kata Huszárik, Ágota Szilágyi, Erika Tankó
MAN: Zsigmond Bödők
Music: Hannah Horváth, Ilka Kiskgyörgy
Translation: Fanni Sényi, Lóránd Bartha

A visionary story of a Woman and a Man waking
At Night, their first at home, with their newborn.
As the dawn flew and the illusion turns into real,
Something happens as never before: they want to believe,
That giving birth in such a terrible world has a reason.

WOMAN: Kata Huszárik, Ágota Szilágyi, Erika Tankó
MAN: Zsigmond Bödők
Music: Hannah Horváth, Ilka Kiskgyörgy
Translation: Fanni Sényi, Lóránd Bartha

Director: Lóránd Bartha

Nina Segal (29) is a playwright based in London and New York. Her debut play In the Night Time (Before the Sun Rises) was premiered at the Yale Drama Series, and at the Gate Theatre in February 2016, directed by Ben Kidd. In 2015 she was an Artist-in-Residence at NDSM Treehouse in Amsterdam, also a member of the Soho Young Company. Currently a HighTide First Commissions writer.