Three Sisters

Translator: Dezső Kosztolányi
Director: Zoltán Balázs
The performance is honoring the memory of Judit Gombár set and costume designer.
After its well-received Platonov debuted in 2010, the theater workshop known for its innovative approach launches a new attack against theater traditions by adapting another Chekhov-play. As the latest addition to Maladype’s performances of playful experimentation with variability (Leonce and Lena, King Ubu, Platonov, Egg(s)hell, and Exercises in Style), Three Sisters also counts on the creative mind of the audience: by breaking down the dramatic text into images, Maladype’s actors perform the individual scenes through the various styles of Hungarian and foreign painters and artists.
Built on the metaphor of “painting as the journey of discovery,” the directorial concept provides a distinctive theater experience by painting a ‘picture-play’ in front of the audience and ‘drawing the phases’ of the characters’ mental processes. Stretched between tradition and modernity, the sensual story of the Prozorov siblings joins the dominant themes and concepts of the eras and styles of painting with rich meaning: the magical and omnipotent dreams, the melancholy and loneliness, the new portrayal and ideals of the human being, the body as medium, life as danse macabre, feeling and ecstasy, painting as a dramatic action, the gap between life and art, nature, light, movement, and technology.
The director's concept boldly plays with the picturesque transformations of the characters in time and space. With its refined and diverse visual world, the performance integrates a broad palette of emblematic artists from significant art periods (Botticelli, van Eyck, Bosch, Da Vinci, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Munkácsy, Lautrec, Renoir, Csontvary, van Gogh, Picasso, Dalí, Magritte, Vasarely, Warhol, Banksy) into the framework of Chekhovian composition. Art-lovers and theater enthusiasts can equally enjoy the exploration of the specific dramaturgy of reverse metamorphosis ̶ from the casual through the abstract to concrete.
Andrei Sergeyevich Prozorov: Zsigmond Bödők
Natalia Ivanovna, AndreI’s bride at the start, later his wife: Erika Tankó
Olga: Ágota Szilágyi
Masha: Kata Huszárik
Irina: Kamilla Fátyol
Fyodor Ilych Kulygin, teacher at the high school, Masha's husband: Zoltán Lendváczky
Alexandr Ignatyevich Vershinin, colonel commanding the artillery battery: Zsolt Páll
Nikolaj Lvovich Tuzenbach, baron, lieutenant in the army: Zsigmond Bödők
Szolyony Vassyily Vasilyevich, captain: Zoltán Lendváczky
Ivan Romanich Chebutykin, army doctor: Zsolt Páll
Ferapont, door-keeper at the local council offices: Lóránd Bartha
Anfisa, elderly family retainer and former nurse: Lóránd Bartha
Dramaturg: Zoltán Balázs
Set designers: Zoltán Balázs, Ágnes Czirják
Costume designer: Mari Benedek
Assistant of director: Lóránd Bartha
Production managers: Katalin Balázs, Ildikó Éri
Opening Night: 8 April 2017, Maladype Base
AndreI Rubljov
Sandro Botticelli
Domenico Ghirlandaio
Hieronymus Bosch
Tiziano Vecellio
Giuseppe Archimboldo
Raffaello Sanzio
Matthias Grünewald
Jacopo Tintoretto
Pieter Brueghel
Jan Van Eyck
Paolo Veronese
Hans von Aachen
Leonardo da Vinci
El Greco
Michelangelo Amerighi da Caravaggio
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
Thomas Gainsborough
Jean-Antoine Watteau
Jan Vermeer van Delft
Peter Paul Rubens
Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velázquez
Eugéne Delacroix
William Blake / Francisco José de Goya Lucientes
Jean-François Millet
Katsushika Hokusai
William Turner
Pál Szinyei Merse
Henri Rousseau
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka / Paul Cezanne
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Louis Degas
Paul Gouguin
Gustave Klimt
Vincent Van Gogh / Henri Matisse
Emil Nolde
Edward Munch
Pablo Picasso
Marc Chagall
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich / László Moholy-Nagy
Natalia Sergeevna Goncharova / Egon Schiele / Francis Bacon
Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan
Wilhelm Heinrich Otto Dix / Tamara de Lempicka
Giorgio de Chirico / Salvador Dali
René François Ghislain Magritte
Remedios Varo / Frida Kahlo
Edward Hopper
Fernando Botero / Andy Warhol / Victor Vasarely
Jackson Pollock / El Kazovszkij / László Fehér
Simon Hantai / Lili Országh / Banksy