
Non-verbal performance
Director: Zoltán Balázs
Egg(s)Hell, a non-verbal theatre piece, explores the fragile beauty of the one-wordpoem by the Hungarian poet Sándor Weöres. Maladype’s company of actors define their relationships to each other and to themselves by communicating in a physical language that organically forms into an innocent yet deceiving game. Using elements of improvisation, throughout the play the invisible drama of everyday life unfolds - distinguished by grace and vigour. The consistent elegance of the performance is contrasted by the eggs juggled by the performers who 'dance' between pink, picturesque flamingos. The joy of life streams through music which varies in each performance causing a constantly evolving piece of theatre. The music of Egg(s)Hell is chosen according to the physical, cultural and emotional context depending on the location and setting of any given performance.
Éva Bakos
Zénó Faragó
Hermina Fátyol
Kamilla Fátyol
Zoltán Lendváczky
Judit Ligeti-Kovács
Ákos Orosz
Zsolt Páll
Katalin Simkó
Ádám Tompa
Erika Tankó
Dramaturg: Zoltán Balázs
Set designer: Zoltán Balázs
Sculptor: György Katus
Costume designer: János Breckl
Leader of music: Bánk Sáry
Assistant of director: Gergő Rutka / Gergely Pelbát
Production manager: Katalin Balázs
Opening Night: 8 December 2008, Thália Theatre
Running time: 60 minutes
PHISYCAL FESTIVAL, Liverpool, Great-Britain - 2015
Blue Bird Festival, Kalocsa - 2015
REÖK Performing Art Centre, Szeged - 2015
Teatr Baza, Warsaw, Poland - 2015
Trap Door Theatre, Chicago - Illinois, USA - 2014
Jászai Mari Theatre, Tatabánya, Hungary - 2014
National Theatre, Miskolc, Hungary - 2014
Intercultural Festival Laboratory of Theatre Practices, Fara in Sabina, Italy - 2013
Katona József Theatre, Kecskemét - 2013
SIBFEST International Theatre Festival, Sibiu, Romania - 2012
VIRASAT Art Festival, Dehradun, India - 2012
DIAF Delhi International Art Festival, New Delhi, India - 2012
DEMOLUDY Art Festival, Olsztyn, Poland - 2011
Dunapart2 Platform of Contemporary Hungarian Performing Arts, Budapest - 2011
Mitteleuropaisches Theaterkarussell, Wien, Austria - 2010
INFANT International Festival of Alternative and New Theatre, Novi Sad, Serbia - 2010
Divadlo Andreja Bagara, Nitra, Slovakia - 2010
Contemporary Drama Festival, Budapest, Hungary - 2009
Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, Berlin, Germany - 2009
International Festival Encounter, Zlín, Czech Republic - 2009
Studio Theatre Schowcase, Eger - 2009
Great Honor - INFANT International Festival of Alternative and New Theatre, Novi Sad, Serbia - 2010