Guest Appearance in Café Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin
Discovering the fragile beauty of the one-word-poem from the Hungarian poet Sandor Weöres and choosing as the Hungarian title (,,Tojáséj”), the members of Maladype company are defining their relations (to each other and to themselves) withaout words int he narural language of our everyday plays. Innocent and innocent-looking games follow each other.
Spirit and delight of life are streaming from the music of Ravel and during the play the invisible theatre of everyday life also becomes visible.
Director: Zoltán Balázs
Hermina Fátyol, Kamilla Fátyol, Zoltán Lendváczky, Ákos Orosz, Zsolt Páll, Katalin Simkó, Ádám Tompa
Set: György Katus
Costume: János Breckl
Music advisor: Bánk Sáry
Assistant of Director: Mirella Mátrai
Production Manager: Balázs Erős