Don Carlos/Egmont at Maladype Base
F. Schiller: Don Carlos
Don Carlos, written by Schiller, is an excellent example of the pathetic-rhetoric thesis-drama genre. It’s story takes place at the power structure of the scheming and severe, highly regulated Spanish royal court. The plot is focusing on the faltering and anguishing prince, Don Carlos who is just about to be torn by the unfulfillness of his personal relationships. As for the aspect of the dramatic action, the most significant character is – the advocate of the European humanism – Marquis of Posa. He is the one who leads and merges the emotional and political motives into a unified system of inducements. However Carlos and Posa are going to fall, the youthful ambitions of their „golden dreams” will not be able to come true in the empire of necessity, the noble ideals of freedom and friendship triumphs over in the abstract layer formulated with lofty diction of this drama.
Director: Zoltán Balázs
Cast: Gyöngyi Blasek, László Keszég, Károly Kuna, Zoltán Lendváczky, Ákos Orosz, Erika Tankó, Gabriella Varga
Director: Zoltán Balázs
Dramaturg: Judit Góczán
Stage design: Judit Gombár
Costume design: Mari Benedek
J. W. Goethe: Egmont
The protagonist in Goethe’s famous drama, Egmont, „the immortals` favourite notoriety”, the harsh, upstanding, vivacious and freedom-loving, was a beloved hero of the 16th centurys` Low Countries war of independence. The act is placed in the semi-medieval Brussels’ Flander middle-class athmosphere, amongst homecoming soldiers and peerages, whilst the flavour of the era evolves, and the ghost of reformation and the bleak remorseless of Spanish counter-reformation become tangible. The fatal situation of the main character is that he wants to remain loyal to his people and to his monarch at the same time. He is left alone in his overthrow and just by this time he latches on to being loyal to both sides is impossible.
Director: Zoltán Balázs
Cast: Gyöngyi Blasek, Gábor Jászberényi, Zoltán Lendváczky, László Keszég, Ákos Orosz, Erika Tankó, Gabriella Varga
On 17th of December 2011, at Maladype BASE, vivifying the story of Don Carlos and Egmont in a civilian ambience is nothing less than a challenge to effectuate the unusual genre of „minimalist monumentarism” for either the actors, the dramaturgie, the designer and the director. Our planned plays are supposed to emphasise the intimate, human and everyday relations between the individuum and power, making allowance of the certain facilities on the specific location, using unconvencional theatrical and directorial attitude. In this irregular dual performance, The Duke of Alba, mutual figure in the dramas, causes the tragic end of both protagonists (Don Carlos and Egmont) with his cruel, authoritarian, power-lusting and power-persisting personality.