In the best part of the season Maladype works abroad
Due to the austerity measures, coproductions and invitations to festivals in far countries, Maladype will spend a long time abroad. According to our season plan there will be four new performances, six new art and educational programs, and an Indian, an Iranian and an American trip.
These theatrical trainings which introduce new ways of communication and let people in our world have a great significance. This can be measured by the success of those repertoire pieces which help mobility. For this reason the Base-programs also covering related art branches are very important regarding the company’s safe and stable working, and also mean a kind of continuity in the „open theater model” which is so typical of Maladype.
Maladype keeps its repertoire pieces (Leonce and Lena, Lorenzaccio, The Marriage of Figaro, Platonov, Egg(s)Hell, Tristan and Isolde ,Ubu King) to give the actors and the audience (in Hungary and abroad) some new and special experience.
New performances in the 2012/2013 Season:
I. F. Schiller: Don Carlos – J. W. Goethe: Egmont
(Directed by: Zoltán Balázs)
The company performs the story of Don Carlos and Egmont on the Maladype Base, in bourgeois milieu, using the unconventional genre of „minimalist monumentarism”. In this unusual dual performance, the Duke of Alba , mutual figure in the dramas, causes the tragic end of both protagonists (Don Carlos and Egmont) with his cruel, authoritarian, power-lusting personality.
Date of the dual performance: November 17-18, 2012
Place of the dual performance: Maladype Base
The rehearsals of the performances will be followed with attention by two classes of the German Faculty of Eötvös Lorand Science University.
II. M.A. Bulgakov: The Master and Margarita
(Directed by: Zoltán Balázs)
The rehearsal of the adaptation of the classic novel by Bulgakov begins on 21 November 2012 in Sibiu, Romania. The rehearsals of the coproduction by Radu Stanca National Theater and Maladype Company will take two and a half months, the first performance will be in the middle of February 2013., on the big stage of Radu Stanca National Theater.
Date of the first performance: February 16-17, 2013
Place of the first performance: Radu Stanca National Theater (Sibiu, Romania)
Expectedly the Hungarian audience can see this coproduction at the end of the 2013 Season.
III. Moliere-Puskin-Byron-Brecht: Don Juan
(Directed by: Sándor Zsótér)
The rehearsal of the four writer’s „common” Don Juan led by Sándor Zsótér will start on 25 February 2013 on the Maladype Base with the actors of the company. Set will be designed by Mária Ambrus, costume by Mari Benedek. Script with a new translation will be written by Júlia Ungar, playreader.
Date of the first performance: April 27, 2013
Place of the first performance: Maladype Base
Planned programs in the 2012/2013 Season:
I. Maladype continues its successful „Free Academy” Program with a special syllabus end event calendar in the new season. According to our plans we will show successful performanances and their creators related to Don Carlos, Egmont, or The Master and Margarita which are perfect examples of the international theater and opera culture with a unique concept. We would like to put this plan into action with the support of the Goethe Institute and tightly connect to our performances in the first part of the new season.
II. The Reader’s Theater Program will also run through the whole season and it gives Maladype’s audience the opportunity to get acquainted with contemporary writers and works – performed by Maladype’s actors, led by invited directors – which are significant and noticeable pieces of contemporary literature.
Proposed works: Matei Visniec (Richard III. Will Not Take Place or Scenes From the Life of Mejerhold), Klim (The Girl With the Candles), Szajgo – András G. Villányi (Reflections)
III. To continue our Crossroad Program, started in the previous season, we would like to invite such place-specific performances to the Maladype Base which consider the capacity of the Base and show us such theatrical alternatives which have a good impact on our artistic development and are able to enrich our audience’s theatrical vocabulary. The Crossroad Program is tightly connected to the Free Academy Program and the Reader’s Theater.
Proposed performances: Selma Dimitrijevic: Gods Are Fallen (directed by: Viktor Ryzsakov, Teatr Doc, Moscow), Martin McDonagh: The Pillowman (directed by: Vlad Troickij, DAKH, Kiev)
IV. On request of our audience we start two art-initiating programs on the Maladype Base in connection with our educational and community building aims. According to our plans there will be a Maladype Film Club twice a month led by Attila Janisch, director and a graphic art course called Spectrums led by István Orosz, graphic. Both programs give insight into the significant eras and works of film and art history and deal with the life, personality and ars poetica of the artists in detail.
V. The Carlos Case being a great success during the „schoolroom visitation” will be performed in different schools ten times this season and will be financed by the money given for the Maladype Project. The Don Carlos Case is a multi-stage project planned to be performed first in May, 2013 as a public trial. The point of the open rehearsals is to present some really up-to-date interpretations. First we identify problems then experiences will be evaluated, analyzed and discussed by the members of the company, as we used to do it in other workshops. Finally the results should be built into the Carlos Case.
VI. Kid’s Base, a drama pedagogy course just for kids, supplements our incomplete program structure. It starts in October, 2012 and can be attended once a week. The instructor will be Kata Tarján who graduated from University of Theatre and Film Arts as a specialist with drama training and has many years of practice. She has great knowledge of drama pedagogy, art education and further training of educational specialists. Besides she is a recognized professional.