The Marriage of Figaro

Writer: P. A. Caron de Beaumarchais
The Marriage of Figaro

Translator: Júlia Ungár
Director: Sándor Zsótér


Count Almaviva, Governor of Andalusia: Ádám Tompa
Countess Rosine, his wife: Judit Ligeti Kovács
Figaro, the Count's valet and majordomo: Ákos Orosz
Suzanne, the Countess' maid; engaged to Figaro: Erika Tankó
Marceline, the one who carries the burden of all: Mari Törőcsik g.a. 
Antonio, gardener; uncle of Suzanne, father of Fanchette: Zoltán Lendváczky
Fanchette, daughter of Antonio: Kamilla Fátyol
Cherubin, the Count's page: Zénó Faragó / Bálint Bán s.t.
Bartholo, a doctor from Seville: Zsolt Páll
Bazile, music master to the Countess: Zoltán Lendváczky
Don Guzman Brid'Oison, deputy: Zoltán Lendváczky

Dramaturg: Júlia Ungár
Set designer: Mária Ambrus
Costume designer: Mari Benedek
Assistant of director: Mirella Mátrai
Production manager: Balázs Erős

Opening Night: 20 December 2010, Maladype Base

Running time: 120 minutes

REÖK Performing Art Center, Szeged, Hungary - 2011