Platonov is back!

To fill our audience’s requirement and because of the international festival invitations we decided after 20 months of silence to reissue our successful performance, Platonov. The play presented on 16 October 2010, also invited to International Performing Arts Festival EX PONTO will be performed on 18 and 19 January 2014, 7 p.m. in Theatre and Film University’s Loft Studio. Besides the actors of the original cast some important roles will be taken by Réka Thália Fekete, Kata Huszárik, Gábor Jászberényi and Mátyás Lazók. Both performances will be followed by meetings with the audience.


About the play:
I like the crudity of the play so much. It’s interesting how we can communicate in our language this type of personal existence represented by the characters of Chekhov. Beside of the generational problems a young man’s sharp critic of his society appears in the play and this means a brilliant material for a company keen on constantly redefining itself.

From the recommendation of the Budapest Autumn Festival:
„The interpretation of Zoltán Balázs clears away the lyrical and mopy layer of the play, does not insist on following the bittersweet, impressionist tradition of Chekhov-acting, but offers us a crude, vivid, ironic attitude to the text. The „simple and primitive” acting Chekhov once referred to. Maladype’s unmercifully honest performance does not searches the Chekhovian intention but the contemporary ways of interpretation. As Géza Fodor wrote in one of his esseys: „In an underdeveloped society mass producing the frustrated „unnecessary people”, destroying the true personalities it is out of question that Chekhov’s Platonov is relevant, isn’t it?”

Anna Petrovna Vojnyiceva: Judit Ligeti Kovács
Szergej Pavlovics Vojnyicev, stepson: Zoltán Lendváczky
Szofja Jegorovna, wife: Kata Huszárik
Nyikolaj Ivanovics Trileckij: Mátyás Lazók
Marja Jefimovna Grekova: Réka Thália Fekete
Abram Abramovics Vengerovics: Zsolt Páll
Iszak Abramovics Vengerovics, son: Gábor Jászberényi
Mihail Vasziljevics Platonov: Ákos Orosz
Alekszandra Ivanovna (Szása) wife: Erika Tankó

Set, costume: Bea Molnár
Playreader: Judit Góczán
Assistant: Gergő Pelbát
Manager: Katalin Balázs

Director: Zoltán Balázs

Opinions about the performance:
„An intellectually and emotionally impressive performance balancing between comedy and tragedy with risk as Szása does while sleepwalking on the edge of the billiard-table. And this is the table where her husband enjoys his intrigues like a Don Juan.”
Natalia Jakubova: Yellow into the corner

„We were pleased to see a clear Chekhov adaptation with explicit contexture. A performance crude but still artistical, reduced to the essence of the drama. Watching this severe performance operating with very simple means of acting, hearing the actors clear talk, I was wondering how up-to-date the drama was – not just the language, the ideology, but also the situations and the characters portrayed in it make the drama suitable for mediating contemporary and relevant problems.”
Dezső Kovács: Games on the billiard-table

Tension and the interest of the audience is maintained mostly by the great teamwork of the company. Judit Góczán playreader was instrumental in this for creating the dramatic core of the performance by leaving out some characters and rearranging the text through this making the 5-hour-long story half as short. Out of this material Zoltán Balázs director made a relevant and strong performance, in which the hero of our age is Platonov.”
Lilla Turbuly: Billiard at half past 7

„We can follow the story of a young man falling apart little by little almost as we see it under the microscope. The deceived world rounds on him. He surrenders and realizes what he has lost. He is stabbed by billiard cues. The cues spear up from the body of Ákos Orosz like the arrows from Saint Sebastian. The Roman guardsman was killed for his religion. Platonov was killed because the others thought they were different from him. They are not stronger, more loyal, more resistant to temptation and they don’t care much more about other people then the fribblish mentor. They don’t have any better aims to live for. They just live their lives as it comes.”
MGP: Chekhov-tutti